Wednesday, August 22, 2012

8 months later...

Wow, January was my last post? Now I remember why I don't do blogs. Since I'm not too creative, this post will be about everything that has happened since my last post. :)

We completed our plant-based challenge (Engine 2 Diet) around March. At the end of the challenge, I had lost about 8 lbs, which was great. I had also started and complete a 5k running/walking challenge with a group at work. Matt and I were also just getting ready to purchase our home. My coworker also went out on maternity leave, and I took on a few new (big) responsibilities. Yep, that was a lot. Unfortunately, the activities during March-July were an excuse for me to fall behind on my eating and exercising habits. I did gain back most of the weight I had lost (8 lbs) - however, I still ate pretty well, so I believe the gain was because of my lack of exercise. We did keep up with the plant-based diet pretty well, and still do (eating meat ~3x per week at most). The good news is that I'm back into the exercise aspect and have been for the past month or so. Thankfully, our neighborhood is a wonderful place to walk, and I've been walking anywhere from 2-2.75 miles about 4 times per week. We also purchased a rowing machine and I've been doing that for 5 minutes, about 3 times per week (that thing does wonders for the "muffin tops"). Beginning to exercise consistently again reminded me how very important it is for our bodies. I sleep SO soundly, I have more energy, I'm less moody, and just feel better in general. Plus, walking outside is such a stress-releaver and this time of year provides some beautiful sunsets. :) 

Okay, I know it's only 10:00 but I'm getting sleepy...

Before I go, here's a neat article I found yesterday. It's mental wellness-related, so I posted it on Facebook, too. Reading it reminded me of Proverbs 15:13 - "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart, the spirit is broken"...article below:

Listening to Complainers is Bad for Your Brain -